Now is the time for you to shine
Florian Olivo on Unsplash
The impact of our current crisis on Talent, Learning & Development
Today we live in a new world. Nearly everyone is now working remotely. Those whose jobs typically revolve around travel have been grounded. Live learning events are no longer available, at least for some time.
You have the opportunity to take a leadership role as a ray of hope and productivity during this unusual time.
Help people take control with time for learning
While no one can control how long this will last, each person can control what they do with their time. Fear comes from lack of control. Comfort comes when you exert control where you can.
SkillDirector provides a tool called the Self-Directed Learning Engine™ (SDLE) that provides each person with the ability to exert control in a positive way for both themselves (skills are currency) and the organization.
Like GPS, the SDLE lets each person know where they are (identify their skill gaps), shows them where they need to be (what great looks like – a competency/capability model), and gives them a path to get there via personalized, competency-based learning. |
SkillDirector also provides 70 skill practices that people can use to learn while they work. Experiential learning is required to develop Skills of the Future, which are the biggest and most critical skill gaps for organizations.
Suddenly, there may be time for learning.
Those who used to commute can exchange commute time for learning time.
For those whose role has changed significantly due to travel limitations (like Salespeople), now is the perfect time to focus on skill development.
Experiential learning, like skill practices, is often performed independently, then reviewed with others, something that can be done remotely.
With social distancing in play, task-based mentoring blends live connection, networking, and development to create a powerful punch.
How can you get started?
Talk to senior leaders about your proposal to make this unfortunate change in circumstance into an opportunity to create competitive advantage (for the organization, and for each individual).
Draft a few short email messages for senior operational leaders to send which promote skill development as a way to leverage unused or commute time, so that you are best positioned to come out of the crisis with momentum.
Create or purchase skill practices so people can learn while working remotely.
Creativity often suffers when “thinking time” is unavailable due to “go-go-go”. Consider creating virtual brainstorming sessions that serve as both learning opportunities and continuous improvement idea generation. Use the SDLE to identify 4-6 high performers in some skill, (e.g., scenario planning or contingency planning), get them on a video call, and use the nominal group technique to identify ways of developing that skill in others. Or perhaps these sessions are focused on workarounds for existing ways of doing things currently performed face-to-face, which may create future efficiencies.
Every dark tunnel has a light of hope.
Imagine what will happen when improved skills and new efficiencies emerge that positively differentiate your organization.
Imagine how much better people will feel when they can exert some control over their situation.
You can be the catalyst.
We can help
No one knows how long this situation will last, but given that the SDLE takes just 2 weeks to implement, there is time to make a difference.
Even after the immediate crisis dissipates, a “new normal” will emerge, likely to include more remote working situations and fewer classroom sessions.
Skill practices are a “buy once, use forever” proposition that are positioned for the future of all organizations and require no implementation of any kind. Buy and use them right away. Skill practices are available independent of the SDLE or any other technology.
We can help you be ready.
Nominal Group Technique: Invite 4 to 6 people. Take 5 minutes to explain how the nominal group technique works.
Also on ATD